Magic behind ES6 Generators



The next version of JavaScript (ES6 or is going to have a lot of great features built in that are going to make developer’s life much easier. Promises, Modules, WeakMaps, Generators to name a few. In this post I want to talk about generators.

Generators are objects that encapsulate suspended execution context. What the heck does it mean? In other words, generators allow you to pause execution of your code and return a value.

Let’s say you need to write a cubic function (for any given number, calculate a cubic number) and then print it out.

Code without generators for 10 numbers:

function out(n) {
  console.log('Cubic number:', n);

function *cube(n) {
  n = n * 3;

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Code with ES6 generators for 10 numbers:

function *cube(n) {
  var i = 0, j = n;
  while (i < n) {
    j = j * 3;
    yield j;

var c = cube(10);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  console.log('Cubic number:',;

Can you spot the difference? Generator represents a sequence of numbers and every time you call next() it gives you the next number in the sequence (it actually gives you an object back with two properties: value and done):; // => { value: 3, done: false }

Once the limit is reached, generator will return:; // => { value: undefined, done: true }

Pretty cool, eh?

Note, that generators look just like functions, but with *s:

// regular function
function cube()  {}

// es6 generator
function *cube() {}

If you’re a Python developer, generators and yield are not new to you. But it’s a big step forward for JavaScript.


The for of loop is a new iteration construct in ES6 which supports generators. This is really for performance purposes. Instead of returning a full array, you can just return a generator which lazily gives values back on each iteration. That decreases memory allocation and you can express infinite data structures (since no array allocation is needed).

A really interesting use case for generators is async operations:

spawn(function() {
  var users = yield db.get('users');
  var posts = yield db.get('posts');

spawn is a function in node.js that allows you to create child processes. You can read about it here.

spawn hands control over the function to the scheduler, which knows that the function will yield promises and will send the values back as soon as the promises are going to be resolved (fulfilled).

This is really powerful.


If you really want to use this feature, you’re going to have to use transpilers, such as Traceur or Regenerator. The reason for that is two new language keywords introduced by ES6 generators: yield and function *. There’s a really good blog post about polyfilling generators that goes in depth about how transpilers deal with the new syntax.

Native implementations of generators are available in Firefox and Chrome Canary (you will need to enable harmony experimental flag).

I encourage you to play around with the generators and get familiar with the syntax because in couple of years from now, we all will be writing code using generators (hopefully).


Great article about ES6 generators.


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