You might have already heard about a new language from Apple, Swift. If you haven’t, make sure to check it out. This is the language that is going to replace Objective-C in the future.

So why should a JavaScript developer be excited about a language like Swift? Because semicolons are optional in Swift, too.


Let’s declare a variable in JavaScript:

var country = 'Argentina';

Here’s how the same declaration looks like in Swift:

var country: String = "Argentina";

However, the same statement can be rewritten as such:

var country = "Argentina"; // inferred as String

Swift uses type inference. It looks on the right hand side of the assignment to figure out the type of the variable.

Swift is type safe language. It performs type checks during compilation time and informs you if there are any type mismatch errors. Unlike in JavaScript, that means that after you defined country variable and its type was inferred to be String, you can’t re-assign with another type:

country = 2; // Cannot convert the expression's type to type 'String'


JavaScript doesn’t have a concept of a constant. All “constants” are just variables (typically in the outer scope). You can “freeze” the object using Object.freeze() to prevent new properties to be added and existing properties to be removed.

The next version of JavaScript is going to introduce const keyword and will support constants:

const y = 10; // Note that you need to specift the value of the constant
y = 20;       // SyntaxError: Assignment to constant variable

If you want to define a constant in Swift, you will use let keyword:

let bestCity = "Boston";
bestCity = "Cape Town"; // Cannot assign to 'let' value 'bestCity'

// Swift allows you to use underscore as a delimiter
// to improve readability of your code
let oneMillion = 1_000_000;


So what is a tuple? TL;DR it’s an ordered list of things.

You can think of a tuple as if it’s an object:

var villain = {
  name:     'Magneto',
  realName: 'Max Eisenhardt',
  powers:   ['Magnetic flight', 'Magnetic force fields']
};; // => 'Magneto'

In Swift, the declaration of a tuple will look like this:

let villain = (
  name:     "Magneto",
  realName: "Max Eisenhardt",
  powers:   ["Magnetic flight", "Magnetic force fields"]
);; // => "Magneto"
villain.1;    // => "Max Eisenhardt"
villain.2;    // => [...]

Tuples are useful when you want to return multiple values from a function as a single compound value (that is exactly what we do so often in JavaScript).

Arrays and Dictionaries

Definining an array or a dictionary looks very similar.

In JavaScript:

var names = ['Alex', 'Rob', 'Dan'];
var ages  = { 'Alex': 13, 'Rob': 5, 'Dan': 4 };

names[0];     // => 'Alex'
ages['Alex']; // => 13

In Swift:

var names = ["Alex", "Rob", "Dan"];
var ages  = ["Alex": 13, "Rob": 5, "Dan": 4];

names[0];     // => "Alex"
ages["Alex"]; // 13


In a very generic, hand wavy terms Generics introduce type safety and reusability of the code. They’re frequently used in classes and methods that operate on them.

To illustrate what Generics are, let’s implement a Queue.

function Queue() {
  this._queue = [];

Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(item) {

Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() {
 return this._queue.shift();

var queue = new Queue();


Now wasn’t that easy, eh?

Note, that you don’t have to care about types in JavaScript that much. You just enqueue a value of any type and you’re all set.

Swift is different. You can’t push objects of different types onto the array.

Here’s a Queue class for Integer values:

class Queue {
  var _queue = Int[]();
  func enqueue(item: Int) {

  func dequeue() -> Int {
    return _queue.removeAtIndex(0);

var queue = Queue();

queue.enqueue("4"); // Cannot convert the expression's type to type 'Int'

What if you want to create a Queue class for String values? You’re going to have copy implementation of Queue<Int> class and replace Int with String. A lot of code duplication. Here’s where Generics shine.

class Queue<T> {
  var _queue = T[]();

  func enqueue(item: T) {

  func dequeue() -> T {
    return _queue.removeAtIndex(0);

var intQueue    = Queue<Int>();
var stringQueue = Queue<String>();



Now you can create Queue of the different types with just one Queue implementation.


Swift is a step in the right direction in my opinion. They lowered the “language ramp up” time by simplifying Objective-C syntax quite a bit without damaging the power of the language. I feel like it looks really compelling to JavaScript developers.


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