Why I'm disappointed in React Native

Brian Cardarella

CEO & Founder

Brian Cardarella

This week at React.js Conf 2015 React Native was introduced. You can see the two most important videos here:

The TLDR is that Facebook has developed a view layer for React that can be used within native mobile apps. Within this context React’s templates can call native components (and views) as if you were referring to normal HTML elements. Furthermore a JavaScript layer has been introduced to the native layer that runs the React applications, this means that you can debug your React Native applications in Chrome Web Tools while it runs on an iOS device.

This is amazing technology and I don’t think anyone was expecting this. As an Ember developer I’m jealous. After some reflection I realized I was also incredibly disappointed in Facebook for heading in this direction.

We are (supposed to be) all in this together

The web development Holy Grail right now is to compete directly with (perhaps someday replace) native mobile applications. With React Native the web has lost a huge partner in Facebook for helping make this a reality. What incentive does Facebook have for pushing forward mobile web now that they can just produce native applications with web technology? What incentive do the existing React developers (and the large number of developers that will move to React in the near future) have for building and proving out mobile web use-cases with React Native? None.

We are getting close

This year saw significant improvements in mobile web. We are so close. Check out this video from Google showing off the potential of mobile web:

No longer is mobile web a matter of if but a matter of when. However, with Facebook effectively taking themselves out of the conversation we’ve lost one of the best use-cases and the largest voices with one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks.

Mobile web is a point of friction currently, and that friction existing is good because it will drive people and companies to pursue solutions to the problem. React Native is a work-around for mobile web. Some will think of it as a “best of both worlds” and perhaps they are correct. But the problem of mobile web will continue to exist.

Business needs trump ideological ones

Of course Facebook should do what is in its own best interest. In 2012 Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook bet too heavily on HTML5. He was correct then and he is correct now: mobile web feels like shit when compared to native. The User Experience is the primary concern for any product company. This, however, should not stop us from persuing mobile web and pushing the technology forward. I just hope that React Native doesn’t impede that progress in any way.


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