Opening Keynote: Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz
- To kick off the conference Tomster joined Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz on stage!
- @mixonic @ef4 @mmun were welcomed as new members to the Ember Core Team
- Big thanks to Robert Jackson @rwjblue!!!!
Ember 2014 in Review
- Rapid Release worked great! 6 week release cycle to get new features into everyone’s hands.
<a href={{url}}>
instead of
<a {{bindAttr href="url"}}>
- Block parameters, faster and lower memory, validation for templates
- Killed metamorphs!
- Improvements to Ember Inspector including Ember Data and promises pane, render performance tab, multiple
s, and redesigned UI, to name a few.
Ember CLI
- Single install command for Addons, test support, massive performance improvements, and API stubbing, and server proxy (the list goes on!).
Testing Ecosystem
- handles asynchrony
Ember Data
- Relationship syncing, async relationships - built with async loading in mind.
- Adapter Ecosystem
That was last year, what’s next?
- Versioned Guides – live today!
- Next Version of Ember CLI (as of last night)
- Engines
- List View
Components (already in Canary) - Liquid Fire
- Async and Routable Components
- Ember Data: JSON API support out of the box
- Pagination and Filtering
- Shipping Ember Data 1.0
- 6/12 release date for Ember 2.0, Ember Inspector, Ember CLI, LiquidFire, etc.
Ember.js Performance by Stefan Penner
- Important choices to make, how to make the right choices?
- Time vs. Space
- Things that are costly in space: closures, objects, non-optimized code, compiled code, excess shape allocations
- In Ember.js, need to do less work, align with primitives
Mis-alignment #1
Problem: Ember does too much work.
Solution: do less
- Actions up, bindings down, no two-way bindings, explicit data flow
- RIP singleton controllers, explicit lifecycle
Mis-alignment #2
Problem: init
and super
are hard to learn and mis-aligned with ES2015
Solution: Embrace super
- Explicit defaults in super
- Don’t set properties until super
- When to call
: When overwriting a framework method before touchingthis
Mis-alignment #3
Problem: Ember.Object.reopen, buggy, complex internals, massive allocations & shapes
Solution: Limit reopen to before first instantiation
- Meta is a good thing. Every class has a meta, every instance has a meta. Metas for instances are what kill us. Meta is “live” inheriting. If can limit reopen, can make all metas one shape.
- meta.listeners is crazier
- Solution: work with V8 to make things better
Designing for Ember Apps by Steve Trevathan
- Mental models: Understand where the user is coming from and what kinds of interactions they deal with
- “What I think the thing is”
- Influenced by experiences from the past
- Not always solid: can be updated and changed. (improvements)
- 2 types of mental models
- Macro: what I think it is from a distance.
- Micro: how I think each individual interaction works; the specific feature.
- Build a framework of understanding
- Some apps are just too complicated
- Use explicitly if they apply
- Break mental models if it improves the experience
Design Patterns
#1 Gradual Engagement
- Core value given for free. Eventually you may be asked to sign up.
#2 Skeleton UI
- ex. Google maps: grid becomes fully rendered map.
#3 Carry Context
- ex. rdio: music played on laptop is reflected on iPad (or other devices).
#4 Reuse Core Interactions
- ex. Browsing Pinterest: provides click and follow tangent.
- Micro becomes Macro; core interactions become a symbol of your app.
- “When I go home and think of your app, I think of the experience, the micro features more than the macro ones.”
#5 Offline Mode
- ex. Google Docs: “trying connect” message and can’t interact with document. Incredibly Frustrating.
Tools of the Trade
- A free design pattern library for Ember apps.
Hijaking Hacker News with Ember.js by Godfrey Chan
- Being a canadian is awesome
Hijacking Hacker News App
- Browser extension that transforms old site design to new, more usable app
- Runs in hacker news domain
Getting the Data
: request html page, extract data, then manipulate- Hacker News HTML Scrapper: need adapter to help talk to Ember Data store; customize adapter and serializer.
Fixing the URLs
- Hacker News urls are not ideal for building an Ember app.
- HN urls (serialized App States) to Ember Router (Actual App States)
- trick Ember into seeing URLs that are different from what is in the address bar
- Router location types:
- Can use same mechanism to make a custom Ember.Location:
App.HackerNewsLocation = Ember.Location.extend()
- Can use same mechanism to make a custom Ember.Location:
- Changing preferences in one place and can see changes reflected in other
- Use observer pattern
The Possibilities
- What if your ideas do not line up with the framework’s choices?
- If the frameworks is doing it’s job, than the possibilities should be endless!
The Art of Ember App Deployment by Luke Melia
- Need to adjust deployment techniques from “server app” days
- When traffic starts routing to the new app, finger-printed assets can no longer be accessed
- Need to keep old and new finger printed assets for a few minutes after a deploy.
- Learn from native apps - phones run different versions of an app
- Keep API working for older clients through API versioning
Deployment & serving strategy
- HTML page should be managed and deployed as part of static asset deployment process
- HTML page should be served by the API server
- Preview before activating
- A/B Testing
- Setting global flags based on A/B buckets
- Serving up wholly different HTML based on A/B bucket
- Notify connected clients
The New ember-cli-deploy
- Merged these three projects:
- Now, one project with 6 maintainers (and growing!)
- Release 0.4.0 by the end of this week!
- Reelease 0.5.0
- New pipeline hooks and plugins architecture
- Includes post-deploy hook
- Documentation for plugin developers
becomes a plugin- USAGE:
ember deploy staging
- Beyond 0.5.0: deployment to named buckets, support A/B tests, beta testing, etc.
Ambitious UX for Ambitious Apps by Lauren Tan
Good Design is:
* how it works
* reactive
* playful
* informative
- Designing the product vs. designing the experience
- You are not the same as your website users
Good Design is Reactive
- Instant feeback
- Flow of data and maintaining relationships between that data
- Ember allows reactivity through the observer pattern
The Observer Pattern
- Computed properties transform properties and keep relationships in sync
- Computed Property Macros to keep things DRY.
- Ember ships with a bunch of these out of the box (map, mapBy, concat, etc)
- Observers synchronously invoked when dependent properties change
Good design is playful
- Has personality
- Ex. Slack when you open app (fun messages)
Good Design is Informative
- Visibility of System Status
- Jakob Nielson - 10 heuristics for User Interface Design
- Ex. Flash messages
Good Design is Intuitive
- Drag and drop (trello, Google Calendar, etc…)
- Ember handles drag and drop events out of the box
- add
to any html element to make it draggable
- add
Bring Sanity to Frontend Infastructure with Ember by Sam Selikoff
How Ember Can Help Today:
- Ember and Ember CLI helps infastructure by reducing boilerplate
- Similar directory structure and architecture
- Conventions: eliminate trivial differences that hold us back
- Writing add-ons for shareable code. Allows us to build structure.
- Use
ember deploy
to deploy apps. Auth and backend config work into separate deploy server. - Testing in Ember using
ember test
. QUnit provides helpers. - Identify redundancies and abstractions
How Ember Can Help Tomorrow:
- Semantic versioning and CLI conventions
- Flexibility
- New standards and best practices
- generally, shared solutions/frameworks help identify and discover ways of improving applications
- Ember always keeps up to date with these best practices
- “Ember is not just a framework, it’s a philosophy” of how to create and improve software
- First, give real developers the tools to tinker
- Then, deliberately fold in shared solutions
In summary, innovate & share!
Dynamic Graphic Composition In Ember by Chris Henn
Spliting a Statistical Graphic into Parts
- Splitting a problem allows us to change one feature of the graphic at a time
- Suggests the aspects of a plot that are possible to change
- Encourages custom visualizations for every data situation
- Demo: Scatterplot example
Adds multiple regression lines (in example, based on # of cylinders of each car)
{{#each subset as |subset|}} // component {{/each}}
Each point in the graph is an svg circle
Grammer of Graphics by Hadley Wickham
(Book of guidlines to follow)
- Data to Aesthetic Mappings
- Scales: one per Asthetic mapping
- Each data to aesthetic mapping has some mapping function
- he has chosen to represent these as points in scatterplot example
- Layers: geom, stat, optional data to aesthetic mapping
- Coordinate System
- Faceting
What does this look like using Ember?
- Data to Aesthetics = outer layer component which takes in the data as params
- Scales = computed properties (using computer property macros)
- Layers = looks like top level component, but must pass the scales
Further Considerations
- Interactivity
- Animations and transitions
- performance (updating graphic many times per second)
Test-Driven Development By Example by Toran Billups
Live coding!!
- Red, green, refactor
- You get a lot of feedback from red (so it can be red, red, red, green, refactor)
- Incorrect selector in template to make sure you’re doing it correctly (aka. test should fail)
- Test should not be very layout dependent
- Should be more general and not break whenever you make template changes that do not change app functionality.
- Test names should be descriptive
- Testing computed properties is recommended because of how caching works with them. Failing test will let you know which properties should be observed in order to break the cache.
- Design proof testing
DockYard is a digital product agency offering exceptional user experience, design, full stack engineering, web app development, custom software, Ember, Elixir, and Phoenix services, consulting, and training.