How to Serve Multiple Domains in a Single Phoenix App

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Some applications require the ability to serve multiple domains, which is typically accomplished through the use of subdomains or by hosting multiple distinct sites.

Take YouTube, for instance. They have many subdomains such as and, and also different domains like and While we can’t say for sure how this is implemented by them, in this blog, we will demonstrate how to configure a single Phoenix application to handle multiple domains and subdomains. Fortunately, Phoenix makes the process simple and straightforward.

First, let’s take a look at this example inside the router.ex file:

scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  live "/music", MusicLive
  live "/video", VideoLive

These are routes that the user could access through the following URLs: and But imagine we want to point the user to the MusicLive page if they access it through the subdomain and to the VideoLive when We could also have a subdomain for all admin content.

Here’s an example of how to define routes grouped together by a single subdomain.

# partial host match - match subdomain `music.`, i.e., matches ``
scope "/", MyAppWeb, host: "music." do
  live "/", MusicLive

# partial host match - match subdomain `video.`, i.e., matches ``
scope "/", MyAppWeb, host: "video." do
  live "/", VideoLive

# partial host match - match subdomain `admin.`, i.e., matches ``
scope "/", MyAppWeb, host: "admin." do
  live "/", AdminLive, :home
  live "/settings", AdminSettingsLive #

This uses the scope/4 macro with the host option to group routes under the music. and video. subdomains. The live/4 macro then defines a path and the name of the LiveView to render the page.

We can also define routes grouped under one or more completely different hosts if we include the top-level domain:

# full host match
scope "/", MyAppWeb, host: "" do
  live "/", HomeLive, :new

The host option also accepts a list instead of a string to match multiple different hosts or subdomains.

scope "/", MyAppWeb, host: ["guest.", "", ""] do
  live "/", AnotherHomeLive, :new

You also need to pass the :check_origin option when configuring your endpoint explicitly outlining which origins are allowed, otherwise you will end up getting a Phoenix.Socket transport error.

Edit config/runtime.exs and edit the following config inside config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint, ...:

config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint, 
 check_origin: [
# ... Truncated for demonstration purposes


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