Introducing Ember-EasyForm

Brian Cardarella

CEO & Founder

Brian Cardarella

View the project on GitHub

One of the more tedious tasks in Ember is writing forms. It is not uncommon to have to write something like so:

  <div class="input string">
    <label {{bindAttr for="firstNameField.field_id"}}>First name</label>
    {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding='firstName' name='first_name' viewName='firstNameField'}}
  <div class="input string">
    <label {{bindAttr for="lastNameField.field_id"}}>Last name</label>
    {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding='firstName' name='last_name' viewName='lastNameField'}}
  <div class="input string">
    <label {{bindAttr for="ageField.field_id"}}>Age</label>
    {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding='age' name='age' viewName='ageField'}}
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

And this is just a very simple form, but what if we could write this:

{{#formFor controller}}
  {{input firstName}}
  {{input lastName}}
  {{input age}}

That is much more concise! We pass the controller as the context to the formFor Handlebars helper. Then we can simply call input for each property we want.

By default EasyForm will use text fields for the rendered input. However, in certain cases it will attempt to properly set the type. If the property contains email the type will be set to email or of the property contains password the type will be set to password. You can override this and set the type yourself:

{{input code type="hidden"}}

Currently the only other input type supported is textarea, you can create one with:

{{input bio as="text"}}

I plan on adding support for the other input types such as select in the next few weeks.


This implementation has basic support for property validations. Currently it works with ember-data-validations but that project might get rolled into a larger Ember Object Validation effort and at that time I will change ember-easyForm to support whatever that is.

Validations will fire on onFocusOut for each input and will render into a <span class="error"> element associated with the given input.

If your model doesn’t have validations this behavior will be ignored.

Form Submit

The submit helper will render a submit input but you can just write one yourself if you wish. The onSubmit action for the wrapping form element will do the following:

  1. Attempt to validate for object. If validations are not supported it will go to step 3.
  2. If validations fail form submit is interrupted and errors are rendered. If not go to step 3.
  3. The view for the form element will attempt to call a submit action on the controller. This is an action that you need to supply yourself:
App.NewUserController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  submit: function() {
    // handle form submit here

More to come!

This is very close to what I recently (and briefly) showed at EmberCamp last week. I hope to continue to build this project into a form builder that evrerybody will be happy to use. Please feel free to propose new idea in the issues for this project on GitHub


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