Netflix Distribution
Delivering documents to the right people — quickly and securely
Netflix enlisted DockYard to redesign and rebuild an integrated emailing and watermarking application that would make it faster and more secure to distribute sensitive production documentation and information.

The challenge
In Hollywood, securing scripts and other production information has been predominantly a manual process. Production assistants have used personal email, fax, and even hand delivery to ensure the right information made it to the right person. The disparate and complicated methods were not only inefficient, cumbersome, and vulnerable, but they frequently exposed sensitive information.
The solution
DockYard created P|Distribution, an emailing and watermarking web application, to make it fast, easy, and secure to search for and attach documents, create emails, and quickly and seamlessly watermark confidential documents prior to sending. Distribution protects intellectual property and personal information, reduces costs associated with third-party subscription services, and makes collaboration easier and more meaningful.