Netflix Move
Delivering digital transformation in Hollywood
DockYard was tasked with supporting Netflix in creating new applications outside its existing product roadmaps that would streamline on-set operations while integrating with the Netflix ecosystem.

The challenge
The media and entertainment industry is a process of business operations as much as one of artistic and creative collaboration. People, facilities, vendors, safety and security, transportation, and other logistics must be managed like clockwork, while ensuring crews still feel connected creatively to the content. Communicating this process can be fast, complex, and often unorganized—with team members conveying anything from handwritten messages to massive text threads, or frantically waving down colleagues on the other side of the set.
The solution
DockYard developed Prodicle | Move, a Progressive Web Application (PWA) to alleviate the tactical burdens of production by managing unit locations, daily shooting schedules, hourly production goals, and real-time updates.
Move balances the real-time needs of production crews and the rich information needs of Netflix Studios.