Refactoring a Function in Elixir

White markee light shaped like a question mark
Zach Liss


Zach Liss

Over the past year, I have been using my DockYard Days (time dedicated to professional development and passion projects) and some free time to pick up Elixir. I’ve read a few textbooks, worked through this year’s Advent of Code programming puzzles, and participated in DockYard’s Mentor/Mentee Program. Throughout this learning process, I’ve also been working towards building a small quiz game to practice implementing various concepts as I come across them.

Recently, I’ve wrapped up Part 1 of Designing Elixir Systems with OTP and felt this was a great opportunity to revisit and refactor some of the old code I’ve written with core programming principles demonstrated in the book.

Core programming principles

  • Build functions at a single level of abstraction
  • Make decisions in function heads where possible
  • Name concepts with functions
  • Shape functions for composition
  • Build single-purpose functions

Let’s step through applying these core principles to an answer_question function from the quiz game application. answer_question lives inside of a Game module and handles the logic around what should happen when a user with a user_name attempts to answer a question with a guess.

# game.ex

def answer_question(%Game{current_question: current_question} = game, guess, user_name) do
    case(current_question.mascot == guess) do
      true ->
        game =
          |> increase_score_for_user(user_name)
          |> check_for_winning_user(user_name)
          |> Map.put(:current_question, get_random_question())

        {:ok, game}

      _ ->
        {:error, :incorrect}

Functions should be at single layer of abstraction

Our answer_question function currently has three different layers of abstraction.

  • case(current_question.mascot == guess) do - We’re making a decision at the guess level to determine if the response from a user is correct
  • game = game |> increase_score_for_user(user_name) |> check_for_winning_user(user_name) - Game level operations occur as we a advance our game token.
  • |> Map.put(:current_question, get_random_question()) - Elixir datatypes level abstraction

The first thing we can do is rework the pipeline. The |> Map.put(:current_question, get_random_question()) can be pulled into a single purpose and composable function.

# game.ex

def answer_question(%Game{current_question: current_question} = game, guess, user_name) do
    case(current_question.mascot == guess) do
      true ->
        game =
          |> increase_score_for_user(user_name)
          |> check_for_winning_user(user_name)
          |> select_question() # add select_question() to the pipeline

        {:ok, game}

      _ ->
        {:error, :incorrect}

defp select_question(game) do
  Map.put(game, :current_question, get_random_question())

With the above change, we’ve also touched on three more core principles:

  • Name concepts with functions
  • Shape functions for composition
  • Build single-purpose functions

select_question was created to name the Game level concept of selecting a question. The only purpose of the function is to wrap an Elixir datatype operation. We shaped it for composition in our pipeline by accepting the %Game{} as the first argument and also returning it.

Next we can create a new Response module to abstract away determining the “correctness” of a guess. In answer_question, we create a new response and use response.correct in our case statement.

# response.ex

defmodule Response do
  defstruct ~w[guess game user_name correct]a

  def new(game, guess, user_name) do
      guess: guess,
      user_name: user_name,
      game: game,
      correct: correct?(game, guess)

  defp correct?(%Game{current_question: current_question} = game, guess) do
    current_question.mascot == guess
# game.ex

def answer_question(%Game{current_question: current_question} = game, guess, user_name) do
    response =, guess, user_name)
    case(response.correct) do
      true ->
        game =
          |> increase_score_for_user(user_name)
          |> check_for_winning_user(user_name)
          |> select_question() # add select_question() to the pipeline

        {:ok, game}

      _ ->
        {:error, :incorrect}

This is a good start. The overall intention of this function is easier to understand now that we’ve updated it to only use one level of abstraction. We can do better and continue to break it up further.

Make decisions in function heads where possible

Now that response.correct is stored in a struct, we can remove the case statement in favor of some additional clauses for the answer_question function.

# game.ex

def answer_question(%Game{current_question: current_question} = game, guess, user_name)
    when is_binary(guess) do
  response =, guess, user_name)
  answer_question(game, response, user_name)

def answer_question(game, %Response{correct: true} = response, user_name) do
  game =
    |> increase_score_for_user(user_name)
    |> check_for_winning_user(user_name)
    |> select_question()

  {:ok, game}

def answer_question(_game, %Response{correct: false} = response, _user_name) do
  {:error, :incorrect}

By adding several new answer_question clauses which pattern match on %Response{correct: true} and %Response{correct: false} we’ve pulled the decision from the previous case statement and reduced each function to a single purpose.

Wrap Up

So far Designing Elixir Systems with OTP has provided some handy tools. I feel that these programming principles will continue to help me write code that has clearer intentions, is testable, and remains maintainable over time. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next in Part 2!

DockYard is a digital product agency offering custom software, mobile, and web application development consulting. We provide exceptional professional services in strategy, user experience, design, and full stack engineering using Ember.js, React.js, Ruby, and Elixir. With a nationwide staff, we’ve got consultants in key markets across the United States, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Austin, New York, and Boston.


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